Interbank payment system "HUMÓ" is the national payment system of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Calculations are made in soums. The operator of the payment system "HUMO" is the National Interbank Processing Center. As of June 2021, over 6 million HUMO cards have been issued and over 230,000 terminals have been installed.
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Exchanger |
BitStore | 0 / 0 |
Eexchanger | 0 / 1 |
Exchangefor_me | 2 / 0 |
Kassa | 1 / 0 |
Laslobit | 0 / 0 |
Letspay | 0 / 0 |
Moneta365 | 1 / 1 |
Pocket-exchange | 1 / 0 | | 1 / 0 |
cinusexc | 0 / 0 |