User reviews, payment system information WebTransfer
A large social credit network that operates on the Internet and is called WebTransfer is a simple service that specializes in private lending. On micro-loans can earn every member who signs up. After all, the debt has an exact repayment date and a specific amount. Therefore, this type of earnings is more profitable than stocks or deposits. The user acts as a borrower or lender. He establishes conditions convenient for him: the size of the loan, interest rate, maturity and other parameters. The protection of finances is at a high level, and the service is based on the P2P method. It lies in the fact that the entire monetary fund of the network is considered a single portfolio of obligations with a high degree of risk. And the rules for the transfer of funds allow the transfer of electronic money only from a private person to a private one. A guarantee fund is created from the income received, and if some borrowers do not fulfill their obligations, then the profitability of the entire portfolio will not fall below the minimum level. WebTransfer provides support to popular social networks and acts as a bank for them. This credit network works with VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, and Facebook. To receive a loan, a digital form is filled out, where the amount, interest rate and repayment time are prescribed. Next is the automatic processing of the request, after which the money can be transferred to a card or electronic wallet. A referral program increases the lender s income due to the emergence of new members. It gives up to seventy percent of the return on investment.